Web Design Tips

Every successful web designer needs some new tips, cool links, or inputs somehow, isn’t it?

Creating visually appealing web designs is now easier and more exciting with the introduction of a revolutionary tool: CSS mesh gradients from mshr.app. This unique product offers a collection of 182 vanilla CSS mesh gradients free for you to use in any of your projects. But that’s not all – it also features the first-ever […]

One of the most common needs when it comes to editing a WordPress theme is to selectively add custom classes to your elements to adjust their aspect with consistency. What is a .class? A class is a collection of properties which extend an element styling. HTML elements can be identified by a variety of attributes […]

Ever spent hours obsessing over which colors to pick for your site? (and whether or not they even go together) In that case, consider a monochromatic website design.  A monochromatic palette is easy to use, and there is less chance that the colors will clash. An extra perk of a monochromatic site design is a […]

Let’s be honest here: If your offer is vague or just not appealing enough to your audience, a fancy call-to-action (CTA) button won’t save you. Many factors affect the success of the page, and a CTA button is just one of them. Still, the button is where all the action happens; that’s how your customers and […]

Have you ever experienced the hair-raising, palm-sweating, blood-rushing panic of a data loss situation? (or should we say predicament?) Unfortunately, there are many ways you can lose or accidentally delete precious information from your WordPress site. And then all the things that took a lot of hard work, such as theme customizations, your latest (epic!) […]

Your website is your online home. And when it’s time to style that home (aka customize your theme) and make it attractive and convenient for you AND your visitors, it’s easy to get carried away. Theme customization is a fun, creative process, especially when you can change anything and everything with a visual editor like […]

  It’s any website owner’s worst nightmare. You’ve been working on your site for a while, obsessively making sure it’s what your customers need and want. Now it’s time to launch it and watch sales and inquiries roll in, right? But then, something is amiss. Layout of your site doesn’t display correctly – it looks […]

Developing something from scratch is no joke. If you have ever spent a day glued to your chair, producing code at industrial scale, you know it – and you welcome tools that can speed up this process. Inspector Pro, a new CSS Hero add-on, is one of such tools. We’ve been working tirelessly on Inspector […]

“To improve my website’s usability” may not be your typical New Year’s resolution. However, it ties directly to the “Improve my finances” resolution, which is one of the top three resolutions people make every year. You see, 50% of online sales are lost because visitors can’t find the information they need, according to Forrester research. And […]

  If you are looking at someone else’s website and feeling a strong case of “I want what she’s having,” we may be able to help you. Here are seven easy-to-implement WordPress design effects that will give your website a modern look and a memorable user experience. 1.      Flat or material theme design with bold […]